Efecto Piel - Dewy Skin

Dewy Skin 50ML - Efecto Piel - I Art Dewy Skin - Piel Mojada

Dewy Skin 50ML - Efecto Piel - I Art Dewy Skin - Piel Mojada

Efecto Piel - Dewy Skin

Dewy Skin 50ML - Efecto Piel - I Art Dewy Skin - Piel Mojada


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Dewy Skin 50ML - Efecto Piel

Dewy Skin 50ML - Skin Effect - I Art Dewy Skin - Wet Skin This special composition will give the baby a real skin texture and effect. Dewy Skin is I Art Reborns Genesis Heat Set Paint medium. The medium is applied to your reborn as a final coat, creating a realistic appearance and a protective surface for your doll. The medium can be given with a sponge....
Price €27.90
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