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Kit Reborn
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- Marissa May
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- Cindy Musgrove
- Jessica Schenk
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- Jade Warner
- Nikki Johnston
- Samantha L. Gregory
- Ping Lau
- Jamie Lynn Powers
- Olga Auer
- Adrie Stoete
- Sandy Faber
- Sheila Michael
- Jannie de Lange
- Reva Schick
- Gudrun Legler
- Tina Kewy
- Kelly RuBert
- Animal kits
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- Pre-ordenes de silicona
- Kits with connectors
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- Rooting
- Ropa
- Cuerpos
- Tapones y aros
- Rellenos
- Barriguitas y Torsos
- Pegamentos
- Iman
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- Pegamento Tacky Glue Aleene's
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Copyright © 2017, ILLUSION BABY
Página propiedad de Esteban Curiel Serrano
Dewy Skin 50ML - Efecto Piel
Dewy Skin 50ML - Skin Effect - I Art Dewy Skin - Wet Skin
This special composition will give the baby a real skin texture and effect.
Dewy Skin is I Art Reborns Genesis Heat Set Paint medium. The medium is applied to your reborn as a final coat, creating a realistic appearance and a protective surface for your doll. The medium can be given with a sponge. The medium heals with a slight sheen to give the effect of naturally radiant skin.
Stir the mixture well. If this is not done, the oil will sit on top and be applied to the reborn.
Damp Skin should be applied very thinly, with a few drops of odorless thinner on the sponge to ensure as much spread as possible. It is important that when it is going to be baked, keep the extremities moist to achieve a better skin effect.
Once applied to the entire limb, it should be baked immediately while wet at 130ºC for 8 minutes before flipping and continuing to bake for another 4 minutes, closely monitoring the temperature. (bake in total 12 minutes) .