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Kit Reborn
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- Cindy Musgrove
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- Gudrun Legler
- Tina Kewy
- Kelly RuBert
- Animal kits
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- Kits with connectors
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- Pre-ordenes de silicona
- Kits with connectors
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- Accesorios para pintar
- Resina Epoxi
- Rooting
- Ropa
- Cuerpos
- Tapones y aros
- Rellenos
- Barriguitas y Torsos
- Pegamentos
- Iman
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- Pegamento Tacky Glue Aleene's
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Copyright © 2017, ILLUSION BABY
Página propiedad de Esteban Curiel Serrano
Matte Skin 50ml by I art Reborn
Matte Skin from I art Reborn
The medium is applied to your wrist as a final layer, creating a realistic appearance and protective surface for your wrist. The medium can be shaken with a sponge. The medium cures with a light matte to give the effect of a naturally radiant skin. IT WORKS WITH ALL THE PAINTS OR MEDIOS TERMICOS!
MATTE Skin is easy to use, you can use it directly from the boat, use a new and CLEAN sponge for matte skin and cover the end of the sponge with a thin layer. Apply it by hand and go up to the shoulder, taking care to spread the paint as thinly and evenly as possible. Hornee each end while it is wet.
Hornee for 12 minutes, turning the end approximately to the halfway point of the horn.
Matte Skin from I art Reborn
The medium is applied to your wrist as a final layer, creating a realistic appearance and protective surface for your wrist. The medium can be shaken with a sponge. The medium cures with a light matte to give the effect of a naturally radiant skin. IT WORKS WITH ALL THE PAINTS OR MEDIOS TERMICOS!
MATTE Skin is easy to use, you can use it directly from the boat, use a new and CLEAN sponge for matte skin and cover the end of the sponge with a thin layer. Apply it by hand and go up to the shoulder, taking care to spread the paint as thinly and evenly as possible. Hornee each end while it is wet.
Hornee for 12 minutes, turning the end approximately to the halfway point of the horn.